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4 Better Things to do Than Study for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Finals week is something everyone dreads, and then it arrives. I am the queen of procrastination and studying for finals sounds like a smart idea, well it is, but I’ve developed many habits over the course of college to avoid preparing for finals week. 


1. Clean

Instead of looking over all of your study guides and realizing you don’t know anything about anything, why not deal with the three loads of laundry laying all over your room? As college students, we’re stuck in the limbo of adulthood where we prioritize our lives based on our moods.We dread the thought of vacuuming and dusting, until it becomes the ultimate time-consumer in which our denial of real-life thrives. That is, until your apartment is clean, then it’s finding something else to take up your time and avoid responsibilities. My mother should be proud. 


2. Exercise

You thought about being healthy and staying fit over the course of a semester, but never actually followed through (or at least, I didn’t). Now is the time to do that a activity no one looks super excited doing in the first place: work out. Covered in sweat and exhausted? Better than looking through those notes and flashcards realizing you have completely forgotten everything your professors said. Plus, now that you have burned off a latte from Starbucks, you can actually enjoy the next stage of avoiding life.


3. Eat

SO many exciting recipes on Pinterest to make for your roommates and anyone else who would like to take advantage of your procrastination. It’s almost too exciting. I am not a cook, but I find ways to make anything in order to eat. Instead of looking over articles for one final before I went to sleep, I decided to take my midnight snack to a whole other level. The result: enough pasta to feed a family of six and more brownies than any twenty-two year old woman needs to eat. Not all in one night, at least.  


4. Lose Yourself in the Internet

There are way too many people from high school you need to stalk on Facebook. Netflix is a black hole of entertainment. Online shopping is the result of poor self-control, but worth it. Many times I find myself writing papers and searching for something else on the screen to grab my attention. Is it bad that I literally LOOK for distractions? How many times can I check my phone or Facebook or Twitter before there are no more pictures left for you to meticulously scrutinize while your textbooks lay all over your bed in hopes you crack one of them open. Sorry education, I need to watch hours and hours of The Office that I have already seen a million times.

Senior at ASU! Graduating with a BA in English Literature. 22 years young :)
Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.