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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ashoka chapter.

Don’t believe me? Just watch! -Mark Ronson (Uptown Funk) 


How many times has someone demotivated you from doing something you really desired? We’ve all been there. We’ve all at some point, if not often, been told that we were not capable of doing something we truly wanted to achieve. “You can’t” has got to be the shortest sentence that can bring someone down. Well, what do you do to get back up?

1. Do they matter?

 If the person putting you down has played an unsupportive role in your past and does not make a significant difference in your life, then their opinion really does NOT matter. So why are you even flustered over what they have to say?

2. Don’t take no for an answer.

 If you’ve set your heart on doing something, you’re under no compulsion to let anyone get in the way of your doing it. You just need to figure out your way of doing what they say you cannot.

3. Convert their negativity into your fuel.

 All that frustration you’ve built up because of your haters’ words should be redirected to your motivation to prove them wrong and show them you can.

Source: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/645844402787844834/


4. Focus.

 Regain the focus that was sidetracked due to negative comments or judgement. Begin to chalk out how exactly you are going to tackle and fulfill your goal. Focus on something that is of most priority to you and block the negative thoughts.

5. Don’t get defensive.

You do not need to defend your goals to your non-believers, as long as they don’t negatively affect them in any way. Just laugh, shrug off their comments, and do what you were going to before they poked their long nose in your business.

6. Don’t let them get you down.

You do not need to justify to them how you are reaching your end goal. You do not need to present them with your ideas or action plan of how you are reaching your end goal.

Source: https://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/MjAxMy0xOWU3NjZkOWUwZTM1NzA0/


7.  Keep the glass half full.

When you’re forced to notice the glass of water as half empty, do not succumb. Turn over to the optimist side and have faith in yourself. You would have seen something in yourself to have been able to think you could do what they say you can’t.

8. Don’t abort the mission.

Do not give up. Don’t let their words tear you down. Let their words feed you (refer to point 3) and use it to show the world that what you can do.

9. Surround yourself with your cheerleaders.

Be around people who radiate the positivity. Why are you in the company of someone who does not believe in you anyway? The right company really matters; it will help expand your creativity and determination– especially when you are trying to do something new.

Source: http://honorsociety.com/if-you-can-imagine-it-you-can-achieve-it-if-you-can-dream-it-you-can-become-it-william-arthur-ward/


10. Get, set, go!

Go, run your race, finish it and then show them what you’re actually made up off. Actions speak louder than words.

So, all you have to do is set up your roadmap, find the determination to fulfill your goal and get set to go on your journey because, trust me, YOU CAN.


Edited by Devashree Somani and Priyanka Shankar

Images curated by Sanjna Mishra

Aqsa Pervez

Ashoka '19

An avid reader, she reads almost anything she can lay her hands on. She can share anything except cookies. She enjoys moonlit walks, whistling and basking in the winter sun.