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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ashoka chapter.

Edited By: Anika Kulshreshtha

22 Female Friendship Lessons From Phoebe Monica And Rachel

In this time of romantic relationships, painful situationships, delusionships and a ton of other sinking ships we often overlook the gem that female friendships are.

To all my Female Friendships,


In a world that often pits women against each other, you have been my support system. I need you to know just how much you mean to me.

I have seen you defend me when the whole world even I was unkind to myself. You know exactly what I need even before I know I need it. I love how we go from dissecting the day’s drama to family trauma to the most intellectually stimulating conversations, it feels like womanhood and it feels like healing. Whether it’s laughing till our cheeks hurt or the shared silence that speaks volumes, I’ve got you.

Dance baby Karen Marshall captures NYC teens 30 years of friendship love and loss

I love our random dance parties on the most whack songs, never ending calls and marinating in bed while watching reels (oh the sheer joy of doing absolutely nothing together) remember that time we tried to make maggi at 3am and woke the whole neighborhood up because we couldn’t stop laughing? We’ve laughed until we couldn’t breathe, cried until our eyes were puffy, and danced like no one was watching because, well, who cares if anyone is watching?


The going washroom together, the “who cares wear what you want” the “I told u” so but also “I’m here for you”, take this it’ll look good on you, the hard truths, the gentle lies, the pampering, the bearing my pms rages, the asking me repeatedly till I tell you but also sitting with me I silence, the knowing when my “yeah fine” is true, the holding my hand through heartbreaks, the never judging my questionable fashion choices, clicking that one perfect picture from 10,000 angles. The voice notes at 2am, WhatsApp groups with the most silly names, the cringey snapchat memories, the singing harmoniously out of tune, cheer up chocolates, co-authoring the messages sent to crushes, the inside jokes, big hugs, big tears, the offering a shoulder to cry on, keeping secrets, the reminding me how beautiful I am when I start hating myself. You’re my best hype woman, you’re my mom, you’re my child, you’re my boyfriend, you’re the sister I never had.

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There are times when life gets unbearable and suffocating but you come in with your lame jokes, spontaneous plans, comforting words and a pint of ice cream, and it feels as if it will be fine. You’ve stayed, picked me up, dusted me off and glued me back together. We’ve weathered storms and celebrated victories. You’ve witnessed the kaleidoscope of my emotions and still haven’t gotten sick of me. 

There’s something so beautiful about how you are the safe space I’ll always come back to, it’s like coming back home after a long tiring day at work. I can be as vulnerable as dumb and as lame as it gets because I know your lameness will always out-do mine. 

It hasn’t always been rainbows and unicorns we’ve fought, maybe we didn’t speak for sometime but even then I knew you would be one call away. That’s what makes our friendships golden—the ability to talk through the tough, the ugly and the harsh, and come out stronger on the other side.

You’re like a warm hug on a frosty gloomy winter morning. I cannot imagine a life where I don’t have you by my side. I appreciate you more than words can express. I know sometimes it’s blind leading the blind but I wouldn’t mind falling into a ditch if it’s with you by my side. Spending time with you heals my inner child, my rebellious teenager and my tired adult.

I know some girls think boys are better friends because of less drama but I wish they some time experience the bliss of true and genuine female friendships and feel blessed the way I do.


Because Bunny left but Aditi stayed.

I don’t think that words alone will suffice, how grateful I am to have you. There is this profound pure and unfiltered love my heart holds for you. I hope I never lose you 

Love you to the moon and the saturn 


Source of all pictures: Pinterest

Tvisha Tyagi

Ashoka '27

Tvisha Tyagi (Ashoka University '27) With a passion for mental well-being and feminism, Tvisha is a writer for the Ashoka chapter of Her Campus. As a freshman at Ashoka University, she plans on pursuing a major in psychology, perhaps making some trauma-related puns along the way. Still debating between genes (biology) and genres (creative writing) for a minor. She naps her way through problems and is always scrolling through Pinterest (just because). Being an avid reader, she can also be found hyper-fixating on fictional characters and ranting about her favourite books.