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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

It’s finals week—the most stressful time of the year.  The only thing standing between you and winter break is a week full of testing.  The high level of stress is enough to make any girl want to grab the cookie dough and snacks, but stop before you do!  I’ve put together some healthy tips to help you survive finals week.  Remember, you are what you eat!


1.  Eat breakfast:  This is it the most important meal of the day, especially when you have been even harder on your body than normal.  To cope with the irregular sleeping habits and high levels of stress, try to eat breakfast every day— especially before that big exam.  This will give your body extra fuel to take on the day.  Try to stick to high-protein foods like eggs, and skip the sugary breakfast cereals that can cause a crash later on.

2.  Stay hydrated:  It can be tempting to pass on the water and go for the coffee pot, but drinking the recommended eight cups of water a day can better help you stay focused than those highly caffeinated drinks.  Plus, caffeinated beverages have the ability to dehydrate you further which can leave you feeling unfocused or foggy. If you must have the caffeine, opt for green tea which does not have the dehydrating properties.

3.  Keep the portions small:  Larger meals can leave you feeling bloated or uncomfortable, which is why it is better to stick to six smaller meals than three large ones.  This will also give you energy throughout the day to keep you going.

4.  Get your vitamins:  Iron and B vitamins have been proven to help with focus.  Make sure you are eating red meat as well as beans and nuts.  Vitamin C is also beneficial to the immune system so don’t skimp on the fruit, it makes a great and easily-packable snack!  To stay healthy also continue taking your daily vitamin supplements.

Snack ideas

Mixed nuts:   The protein will give you energy and keep you full. 

Guacamole and chips:  Avocado is  high in fatty acids which will keep you going during those study sessions.

Veggies and hummus:  Low calories and full of vitamins.

Trail mix:  Totally customizable and portable for those trips to the library.

Greek yogurt:  Make it into a parfait with some berries and granola.

Born and raised in Kansas City. Sophomore at the University of Arkansas.