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The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Holiday Pinterest Board

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Pinterest can be a great way to find inspiration and organize your thoughts and ideas, especially around the holidays. But we all have that one person we follow on Pinterest who always goes overboard, blowing up your home feed with crafts they could never do or so much holiday decoration ideas that you could never fit into one house. So this holiday season, make sure you aren’t being that one pinner. 

DO: Get into your holiday baking.  

What better way to spend your time at home over break than coming up with some crafty concoctions? Pinterest is a prime spot for inspiration for all of your cute and creative baking, from beginning to advanced bakers.

DON’T: Get in over your head.

Pinterest is a very popular place to find nail art inspiration, but some of the nail ideas are just impractical. Don’t pin those overly complicated nail designs that you will (probably) never be able to do. 

DO: Get into spirit with holiday crafting.

Pinterest is just the place to find simple and fun crafts that anyone can create. It is also helpful for finding DIY’s to make Christmas gifts for friends and family without breaking the bank.

DON’T: Go overboard.

A lot of us get really into Christmas decorations, but lets be realistic. I love looking at all the intricate décor I could only dream of pulling off, but pin these things in moderation. They’re fun to look at and I’m sure your followers would appreciate a small amount of these pins, but no one likes their home page swallowed up with them.

DO: Use Pinterest to get into the holiday spirit.

With all the wintery snow scenery pictures, holiday quotes and cute cold weather outfits, use your Pinterest board to share your excitement and personality. And don’t be afraid to post your own pins of all of your own holiday creations!