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Why You Should Go Lingerie Shopping with Your Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

It’s that time of the year again. The time when love is in the air, when chocolate covered candies seem to be at your every turn, and when it looks like someone threw up pink and red colors absolutely everywhere. Yep — it’s Valentine’s Day.

Having not had a single valentine ever throughout high school, and finally having one this year, I wanted to go all out. I decided cook dinner for my boyfriend, buy him a couple of small gifts, card, and a photo of us…and I decided to buy some lingerie. Now, I am in no way saying that someone needs to get their significant other lingerie for Valentine’s Day, and I’m also not saying that anyone needs lingerie to feel sexy. What I am saying, is that if a person does decide to buy some lingerie, for whatever reason, doing it with your best friends can make the whole process less awkward and intimidating.

Lingerie shopping with your best friend is ideal because a best friend can be completely honest with you. Let’s say you’re having a super hard time picking between a frilly, boy-short type of underwear and a pair of red see-through thongs. If your friend is there, she can tell you straight up which one looks best on you. Let’s be real — we all have different body types, and what would look best on someone else might not necessarily be the best look for you. And to be honest, we have all fallen victim to thinking that a specific piece of clothing is going to look the same way on our body as it does on the model or mannequin. Having your best friend there gives you another set of eyes, letting us know which peices truly look amazing.

Taking your best friend with you to shop for lingerie can also make the situation more enjoyable. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes feel a bit awkward and embarrassed whenever I walk into a sex shop. If your best friend is by your side, it helps take away that feeling of discomfort, and maybe even replace it with feelings of joy or peace. Also, not gonna lie, there are countless things that a person might see in a sex store to make them laugh. You know — things like giant dildos, sperm-shaped plush toys, and fuzzy handcuffs. Bring a friend so you have someone to laugh with!

Go to a sex shop by yourself, and you’re probably not going to have much fun; go there to get lingeie with your best friend, and make some memories. Those moments where you’re laughing and joking around with your bestie are the moments you’re going to want to look back on. Lingerie is something that not everyone may be purchasing or even wearing. Having your best friend there when you try it out might just be the extra support you’ve been needing this whole time.

So, to my best friend: thank you for being my support system and for making me feel more comfortable. I can’t wait to be old in our 80s and look back on that moment and laugh. 


Currently a Junior at Appalachian State University. I am a double major in Public Relation and Journalism with a minor in psychology. My dream job would be to work for the FBI. I am also part of the Pi Kappa Chapter of Chi Omega, and I love to smile and make a difference in people's lives.
Dianna is a graduate of the class of 2019 at Appalachian State University where she studied Public Relations, Journalism and English. At Her Campus, she served as App State's campus correspondent and editor-in-chief.