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What Your Last Day of Midterms Looks Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

You know you have a test in every class.

But then your professor assigns another project and two papers.

You’re so ready for Spring break but you buckle down one more time…

And go to the library to cram…

but you get a little distracted at times…

And the loud people on the third floor make you want to do this…

You just want to go to bed


But you end up pulling an all-nighter…

But regardless, you walk in ready to own it!

The first question is unfamiliar…

But then you BS the rest of the way through it

And you walk out like a Champ!

Now it’s time to celebrate!

















I am a Junior at App majoring in Apparel Design and Merchandising. I love dresses, thrifting, playing soccer, reading magazines, celebrity closets, bubble baths, mom & pop restaurants, and giving relationship advice. I hate waking up early, band aids, Dr. Phil, and men with big muscles.