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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Most of you already know Marcus Cox as the star running back for Appalachian State’s football team. I got to know Marcus Cox as the humble Senior from Georgia.

Cox is a Business Management major, graduating in May 2017. When it comes to his future, Marcus is hoping to continue his football career professionally on the field. If that doesn’t come to fulfillment, then he would like to pursue other opportunities within the NFL organization.

I asked him a few “what’s your fave” questions and I learned quickly that Marcus is a pretty mellow guy. 

When asked how he would describe himself in three words, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know.” After thinking for a minute, he texted his roommate to help him answer the question. His response was, “The Marcus Cox.” We laughed and then he finally gave me a modest reply: “fun, outgoing, and nice, I guess.”

I really wanted to know how Marcus felt about being such an important component of ASU’s football team. “It means a lot that your teammates and coaches look to you. Being able to lead your team and the success you have is a great feeling. At the same time, you can’t let it go to your head.” I really respect how much Marcus talked about his team. He mentioned several times how blessed he was to be part of a great organization and how one person can’t play for the whole team, but to play for the other 10 on the field with you.

“At six years old, everybody wanted to play college football,” Cox said. Visiting many different schools, Marcus instantly clicked with the guys he met and enjoyed the atmosphere of Kidd Brewer Stadium. “Now, I’m here,” he said.

Marcus gave me a little insight as to what it’s like to play at Kidd Brewer Stadium: “I don’t hear the stadium until after the play is over,” he said. “You really don’t hear anything during the play, once the ball is snapped you think about the play.” Marcus went on and on about how he will miss playing with his teammates at that stadium. He mentioned that the relationships he has created since being at ASU will last a lifetime, “They’ll definitely be in my wedding,” he commented.

When asked how he felt about leaving Boone, Marcus said Friday night lights was fun, but there is nothing like college football. I agree, there is nothing like college football.

When I asked him about playing in the NFL, Marcus brought it back to college football. He talked about how as a young kid, everyone wanted to play college ball but some do not get the chance. “To have the success I have is a honor and a blessing,” he said. He appreciates every single opportunity that has been given to him. I completely respect his work ethic. He does not have a specific NFL idol, although he did mention he looks up to any great running back. “All you can do is wish and pray you have the same success they have.”

Marcus’ five year plan is to be in the NFL. “If not, hopefully having a job I enjoy and starting a family,” he said.

So, for those of you ladies dying to know, Marcus Cox is single. However, he is not accepting applications for a girlfriend, but if the right girl comes along, he is open-minded. If you want to catch him around Boone, you can find him eating burgers at Five Guys because he’s “a Five Guys type of guy.” If you want to get on his good side, buy him some gummy bears – they’re his favorite candy.

It was great getting to know “The Marcus Cox” and I wish him the best of luck as he finishes out his last season in the black and gold uniform!        

Roll ‘Neers!







Jaden is a Senior at Appalachian State as a Communication major with a focus in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing. Currently, she serves as  Campus Expansion Assistant for Her Campus Nationals. She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and serves on multiple committees of her chapter. Jaden interned with Susan G. Komen Northwest NC Summer 2016 as the Special Events Intern. She is currently a Campus Expansion Assistant and Region Leader for Her Campus Nationals. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends, playing with puppies, surfing pinterest for new DIY projects, and taking long naps. Her dream job is to be the next Erin Andrews and work as an ESPN Broadcaster for the NFL.