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My 3 Favorite Women of Science and Their Impact on the STEM Field

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

As a college woman of science, I find it very empowering to know there have been women past and present who have impacted and continue to impact the science community. While there are many other famous and intelligent women of science, I have decided to limit this article to three who have personally inspired me.  

Rosalind Franklin

I know many people in the science field have heard of Watson and Crick but what about the woman who made them famous? I introduce Rosalind Franklin, the woman who theorized the structure of double-stranded DNA. Franklin was able to determine the structure by taking photos via x-ray diffraction. Without Franklin, the structure of DNA probably would not have been established until years later and these men would not be as famous or well known today.

Jane Goodall

I will just start by saying, I love Jane Goodall. I truly think she is a sweet and intelligent woman. She is known for her work in primitive conservation and her work with chimpanzees in Africa. She is very active on Instagram and still actively speaking out for global warming, conservation, and protecting chimpanzees. 

Rachel Carson

Carson is a Marine Biologist and known for her work, “Silent Spring,” which is about the real communities of DDT and the problems of its presence in nature and wildlife. Her written work allowed many to understand the natural history of the sea, the impact of the natural world, and how everything affects each other. 

If you haven’t heard of these women, I encourage you all to give some of their works a read. Science to me is a big part of my life, and knowing there are women who have not only influenced me but other women is amazing. Never give up on your dreams and goals. Peace and love babes. I’ll see you next week.

Ariana Fuentes

App State '23

Optimistic at the moment