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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Have you ever noticed how many commercials there are encouraging you to participate in a certain diet plan or take part in the newest workout craze? Or how magazines only seem to portray women of perfect proportions?


Of course it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Love yourself enough to do so. But, we only have so much control over our body shape. Obviously, genetics play a substantial role in our appearance. Did you know, according to North Carolina State University, 46 percent  of women are considered to have a rectangular body shape? And only 8 percent of women are considered to have an hourglass shape. 


The truth is, the standards of beauty society sets for us are just completely ridiculous. Not everyone can look like the people portrayed in magazines. Nor should they want to. 


We need to start embracing our uniqueness and individuality. If you happen to look like someone who belongs on a magazine, that’s awesome! If you don’t, that’s also awesome!


The only perfect way to look is to look perfectly like yourself.