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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

I’m one of those people over break who constantly needs something to do. I like to make things, do things, watch things, just constantly be up to something. With COVID being a constant part of our lives now, it is much more difficult to go out and be active, so I’ve come up with a list of fun activities to try out over the break that you can get into over the holidays. I love to make crafts, so don’t be surprised when a lot of these end up with you making something new!

All of the sewing

I never got into sewing or anything of that matter, but over the summer, me and my sisters decided to learn all sorts of different kinds of techniques. We tried cross-stitching, embroidery, quilt-making, and even making our clothes! Try learning how to knit, or crochet too; there are so many how-to guides on the internet, so get the tools you need and have at it!

Get artsy

Another thing I was never good at as a kid: drawing. I’ve tried practicing offhandedly every now and then, and it’s really cool to track my progress over the times that I attempt to try it. Try a new medium like charcoal or gouache; I’ve been really wanting to get better at using watercolors, so that’s probably what I’m going to do this break, what about you?

Start journaling

Whether you want to keep an actual diary or more of a scrapbook is up to you, but I’ve found journaling to be a super relaxing experience. I love to look back and see my creations or read old entries; journaling is like a sort of time capsule if you want it to be that captures how you feel in the moment. How you express it in the moment is up to you!

Read the classics

Something I’ve been trying to do over the past couple of years is read more classic literature. That may just be the English major in me talking, but I always feel proud after getting through a hundred-page novel and being able to tell people that I read it. Having Les Miserables, Frankenstein, and the works of Shakespeare under my belt feels rewarding, and also, reading just is another great way to pass the time, so why not see what makes these books “classics?”

Hit the kitchen

You knew this was going to be on the list, didn’t you? By now, I know how to make toffee with my eyes closed, but I want to add so much more to that list. Over the summer I along with so many others did so much baking, but why does that mean we shouldn’t over the winter break? Find some new recipes you haven’t made before and make a mess in the kitchen!

I hope this list has helped you find a new fun fixation for the break. Get moving and grooving, and most importantly, have fun!

Caroline is a senior English major at Appalachian State University concentrating in Film Studies with a minor in Theatre Arts. After she graduates in the spring of 2021, Caroline hopes to either work abroad teaching English as a second language, in the American school system or artistically to pursue creative writing. Caroline has been a member of HerCampus App State since 2019. Along with being its 2020 - 2021 Campus Correspondent, she has also held the positions of Senior Editor, Social Media Director, and was a part of the Campus Trendsetter Program.