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Five Signs You’re Ready to be Engaged

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Love is in the air, readers! Everywhere I turn, someone is engaged – my best friend, my roommate, and countless other girls scattered in my classes. These couples are obviously sure of their relationship’s potential, but what about you and your boyfriend? Think you’re ready for the next step? Check out these five signs to tell if you’re ready for an engagement:  

1. Similar Goals/Morals: Are you two on the same page about the important stuff like politics and religion? If you find that you both tend to agree on the “big stuff,” it means that you’re more likely to get along ‘til death do you part.

2. Encouragement: Is your boyfriend completely supportive of your aspirations? If he is, that is a great sign that you are ready for an engagement. It means he not only accepts who you are but encourages you to be who you strive to be.

3. Financially Stable: It’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of a potential engagement, but if you can’t afford it, you probably aren’t ready for the next step. Every girl deserves their dream ring and wedding; that, unfortunately, does not include cubic zirconia and a wedding at the courthouse.

4. Commitment: Plenty of couples go on a “break” at some point, and that’s totally understandable. But if you find you and your boyfriend break up more than happy couples should, that could be a sign that you’re not ready for the ultimate commitment.

5. That Gut Feeling: Maybe it’s cliché, but the truth is this: when you know, you know.  Trust your instincts! If everything is falling into place and you couldn’t imagine yourself with anyone else, it may be a sign.

Just remember, collegiettes – if you trust your head AND your heart, you won’t go wrong!