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Already Given Up on Your Resolutions? Here’s How to Stick to Your Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

It’s still January, so I feel like it’s still socially acceptable to discuss New Year’s resolutions.

Every year it’s always the same — people set really high goals for the year, they work towards them for a few weeks, then life gets in the way and our resolutions are pushed to the side, only to be remembered next year when it all starts over again.  

I tend to fall into this vicious cycle every year, just as everyone else does. But I’ve decided that 2019 will be different. I took some inspiration from one of my favorite lifestyle bloggers, Anna Saccone, on New Year’s resolutions and goal setting. Her main tip for actually achieving your goals in the new year is to not set one huge goal for the whole year, but to instead set smaller goals throughout the year that lead to accomplishing the bigger one.

I kept this tip in mind when setting my own goals for 2019, which included:

  1. Taking more pictures when I’m with my friends and family. Often times when I’m out doing things with my family or friends I get so caught up in the moment that I don’t do anything to capture the memory. I’d love to be able to have pictures to look back on later to relive the moment.

  2. Getting more sleep. As all college students know, getting a decent amount of sleep can be a struggle, especially when the semester gets busy. After almost four years I know that I’ll never really get the full amount of sleep recommended, but I want to try and get to bed by midnight each night.

  3. Stop doing homework in bed. I have this awful habit of sitting on my bed while doing homework. It started when I was a freshman in the dorms and my desk wasn’t really useable and has continued even after moving off campus. I read that working in bed isn’t good for your sleep patterns, so I’ve been trying to break this habit which will hopefully allow me to sleep better.

I hope this inspired you  to set some more realistic goals for 2019 or encouraged you to not give up on your resolutions for the year. If you want to hear any more of Saccone’s goal setting tips, check out her video on the topic here!


Dianna is a graduate of the class of 2019 at Appalachian State University where she studied Public Relations, Journalism and English. At Her Campus, she served as App State's campus correspondent and editor-in-chief.