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5 Reasons To Buy Coconut Oil

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

1. You can shave your legs with it

Coconut oil is fantastic for legs. Not only does it get you a shave just as good, if not better, than shaving cream, but oil makes your legs feel super silky. You’ll step out of the shower with your legs feeling the best they ever have, and with a nice glow to boot. And you can always add more if you need a little more shine. 

2. You can heat it up in the microwave for a hot oil treatment

This is just as easy and just as healthy for your hair as a regular oil treatment. Just put some in a bowl, melt it down, pour on hair, and put a shower cap on for 20 minutes. Your hair will thank you after!

3. It makes an amazing face mask

Whenever I’m having a bad week (acne wise) I just smear some all over my face about 10-15 minutes before a shower, and then rinse off. I always notice my face looking glowing immediately after and my acne is always reduced, if not gone. My pores always breath better after a good coconut oil mask. 

4. You can use it as a leave in conditioner

And you don’t even need a lot! Less is defintely more with this stuff. In fact, too much kind of makes your hair look greasy, so be careful, but definitely try it. Use about the size of your pinky nail when your hair is damp or dry and your hair will be looking healthier and shinier right away. It will be feeling nice and soft, too.

5. It can be lip balm!

Some people worry about chapsticks can be “addicting”, or too artificial. Coconut oil is all natural, moisturizing, and tastes like coconut of course! I always keep a little bit with me in case I need it. You’ll never buy chaptstick again. 

Did you know that Coconut Oil actually has hundreds of uses? I just listed the 5 that I thought were most appealing, and the 5 that I use it for the most. If that’s not convincing enough, go google some of them for yourself!