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Why D.C. Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton Deserves Some Recognition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, now in her fourteenth term as the Congresswoman for the District of Columbia, has always been passionate about ending racial discrimination. She often speaks out about how her upbringing in the District encouraged her to be politically active. 

She is the daughter of Coleman (a civil servant) and Vela (Lynch) Holmes (a school teacher), who encouraged her in her academic pursuits. Norton attended Albion College and then got her Masters and Law degree at Yale University.


While in law school, Norton traveled down to Mississippi. She attended the Mississippi Freedom Summer and worked alongside civil rights activists, including Medgar Evers.


Norton was also on the founding advisory board of the Women’s Rights Law Reporter, which is the first legal periodical in the United States to focus exclusively on women’s rights law.  As Chairman of the New York Human Rights Commission (1970–7), Norton was the driving force behind the landmark sex discrimination suit at Newsweek.  

As the only Congressperson representing D.C.’s, Norton lobbies for District statehood and argues her right to vote on legislation.

She speaks the truth.  She once said, “there are not many males, black or white, who wish to get involved with a woman who’s committed to her own development.” Finally, she makes terrible parking jobs charming. For all the details, click on the hyperlink! 


Photos: 12, 3, 45, 6,  

Hello! My name is Sadie Kaplan and I am a popular culture connoisseur (and coincidentally, also an amateur liar) from Toledo, OH, which John Denver once described as akin to “being nowhere at all.” Another lie. Like most teenagers, I firmly believe in the power of a good documentary, which is perhaps the reason why I often find myself watching them alone. When I’m not in my dorm room, I am either in the “Situation Room” (but only if Wolf Blitzer is there) or wandering around campus aimlessly playing the role of “Panicked freshman who still wears her lanyard.”  Being that there is nothing more energizing to me than a good conversation, I am happy to have you here for a virtual one-sided one.   For feedback or suggestions or cat memes, shoot me an email at sk5560a@student.american.edu.