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Somayina Boardman ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Anyone would be lucky enough to come across a girl like Somayina Boardman. She knows just what to say to make you smile and keeps it classy when having a good time. Throughout her college career, Somayina has received multiple scholarships awards for her outstanding academic achievement. As a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, she upholds the values and morals of true sisterhood.

Hometown and major: I’m from South Burlington, Vermont and am majoring in International Studies with a minor in Economics

Age: 20

Favorite ice cream: Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked and they have this new Peanut Butter Half Baked, but it’s only limited edition

Celebrity crush: I love Drake and I also love J. Cole because I think we could really be good friends

Relationship status: Single like a dollar bill!

Favorite songs on your playlist: “Often” by The Weekend, “Wet Dreams” by J.Cole, “No Role Model” by J. Cole and “Trap Queen” by Fetty Wap

Dream job: Essentially, doing something that makes me genuinely happy and that requires me to travel

Biggest fear: Death of a love one

What are you most passionate about: I’m most passionate about people getting access to education in low-income communities and in refuge communities

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up: I wanted to be a lot of things, but I really thought I was going to be an actress

Favorite television shows: I love West Wing, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Empire, Suits and Jane the Virgin

Hobbies: I love to dance, read and nap

One thing that irritates you: Oh godsh, when someone is passive aggressive

Before you die what is one thing you must accomplish: Visit three countries in every continent, except Antarctica

How would you describe your personality: I am very bubbly, carefree and dramatic, but not in a bad way!

What is your biggest turn off from a guy: A guy who doesn’t have a sense of humor and who isn’t genuine

What is your plan after graduation: #findsomayinaajob2015

Who’s your role model: My daddy, I’m such a daddy’s girl!