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The Importance of Sleep During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

It’s that time in the semester again…the dreaded FINALS WEEK. But quite honestly they’re not that bad. At least classes are over so you have all the time in the world to prepare and study…or not study. You’ve probably heard a ton of tips for surviving finals week such as eating healthy “brain” foods, or working off stress in the gym, but sometimes one vital thing gets overlooked or forgotten: SLEEP.

Sleep is always important, but especially during a stressful time like finals week. You need to stay mentally sharp during your study time and your actual exams. Most people try to cram the night before, thinking they can memorize notes or facts but this is actually more harmful than helpful. Studies show and doctors say that sleep is when the brain reinforces and strengthens what we’ve learned throughout the day. So if you’re trying to cram instead of letting your brain do what it naturally does during sleep, you’re not helping yourself much.

Sleep is very important for overall brain health. Without it, you’re more likely to perform poorly on an exam, have a hard time recalling information, and obviously have a hard time even staying awake. Make sure you don’t procrastinate, and set aside time to get your work done early so that you have a good seven to eight (or more) hours of sleep a night. You’ll be glad you did!

This may not be ground breaking information, but they are a few reminders to get plenty of sleep and take naps in between studying sessions to ensure finals week is a success!

Here are some last tips to help you prevent sleep deprivation during finals week. Hang in there, everyone! We’re at the home stretch.


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My name is Gabby, I'm a sophomore at American University and I'm majoring in Communication Studies.