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How to Stay Creative this Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

It can be nearly impossible to stay creative in the dreary winter months. Her Campus American is here to help you keep your spirits summer-y even in the dead of February. Try these four ways to stay creative this winter.

1. Shake up your wardrobe

It may not be spring quite yet, but you can dress like it is. It may not be time for gladiator sandals just yet, but you would be shocked what a new skirt can do for your well being. Check out these new floral prints from Nasty Gal. If you’re looking to stay on a budget than try one of these great D.C. thrift shops. 

2. Get Outside

Staying stuck inside the library or your dorm room does nothing by suffocate your creativity. Get outside and experience the great city that you live in. Getting outside can open you up to a whole new world. Try the Georgetown Waterfront this weekend.

3. Unplug

Put down your cell phones and unplug your laptops this winter. Not only are they are giant suck on your energy bill, but they drain your creativity too. It can be impossible to enjoy the world around you if you are constanly refreshing your twitter feed or are constantly checking up on your ex’s Facebook profile. Do yourself and your creativity a favor by being present to the present and spend time with your real friends not your cyber friends. 

4. Surround yourself with creative people

Have you ever noticed that really creative people tend to run in packs? The most creative people surround themselves with creative friends. If you do the same it can challenge you outside of your comfort zone. If you are looking for some inspiration try an open mic night at a local Bus Boys and Poets.

With these four easy steps you’ll be feeling creative again in no time.

Mikala Rempe is a sophomore at American University in Washington, D.C., originally from Omaha, Nebraska. She is a literature major with a minor in creative writing. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Mikala is on staff for the AmLit, AU’s premiere literary arts magazine. In her free time she loves to read, and cook. She spends most of her days accidentally spilling coffee on her own poetry. She hopes this isn't a metaphor.