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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Have you ever been standing in line at Starbucks and have no idea what to get? So what do you do? Phone a friend? Ask the person in front of you? Try asking Twitter!

That’s right, Twitter is here for you. You can put your followers to a better use than favoriting your tweets, when they’re not texting you back. You can have them help you make decisions. Want to start wearing denim on denim more often, but don’t know if you can pull it off? You can tweet out a poll to see if your followers will tell you to embrace your inner Rihanna and wear denim on denim on denim. 

This week I decided to let twitter polls run my life for a day. It turned out that my followers (friends) actually voted! So if people actually voted for my arbitrary polls, maybe they would even respond to more serious, planned ones.

Do you know you should probably study, but you can barely keep your eyes open? Ask your followers what they think you should do!

You can ask twitter anything and get a response! I was too scared to let my followers make big decisions for me, but by all means they could have. I could have let them dress me and put a crazy option in the poll too. Maybe next time I try this I’ll take more of a risk!

You could also let twitter dare you to do something. But be careful, they’ll probably choose the risky option!

(Disclaimer: I did not eat the chips. It’s flu season, people!)

But after so many polls, your followers might start to think you have a problem…

My advice: from now on, every time you’re having trouble deciding what to wear or eat, ask Twitter! Your followers can actually be helpful if you limit your use of polls to appropriate situations, plus it keeps life interesting. Thanks to all my friends for voting!

Photo Credit: 1, 2