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How I Learned to Accept Myself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Every time I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself there is always something I’m unhappy about. It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is or how big or small the problem is, I will always find something to beat target. As women, we try to feel good enough for ourselves and others, which is tiring. This is why I decided to stop criticizing myself and learn to love it all.

One day, I stopped and thought about an attribute of mine I would change, and then I thought, why would I want to change it? My head flooded with negative thoughts and I started thinking because it makes me feel ugly, because it is gross, it is too big…and things like that. After this I asked myself, if I could change it would I actually do it? And my surprising answer was no. Why? Because it is what makes me, me.

There is no real reason for us to beat ourselves up about our bodies. We don’t earn a living off of them, so if we change something about them it won’t impact our income or way of living. Even beyond this, sometimes I think, what if I meet a man who doesn’t think I am enough? Or what if he doesn’t like the same things I am self-conscious about? If this is the case this person is not worth my time, and if anything it is a relief because I will love it when someone actually comes along and likes every aspect of me, even those I wish I could eliminate. I have now realized that if someone wants to be with me, it isn’t because of a certain body part i have, it is because he likes me, flaws and all, the same way I will like him for who he is, not for how ripped his abs are.

As I stared at myself in the mirror I realized that nothing is as awful or as perfect as we imagine it. The way we see ourselves is completely ambiguous, and we are all enough no matter how much we tell ourselves otherwise. No flaw will gravely affect my way of life unless I allow it too. Everyone around me will only see what I portray myself as.