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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

We often prioritize our physical health over our mental health. It is important to remember that the brain is an organ just like your heart or lungs. For many people, if their heart or lungs were weak, they would take time to make sure that they healed. The same energy that we put towards our physical health must be put towards our emotional and mental wellbeing. 

It can be easy to forget that we matter in a world that is constantly bringing up a variety of new emotions and challenges. Each day, it is important that we validate our feelings and recognize that things are not always going to be perfect. 

Each day it is important to remind ourselves of these five simple things.

Your feelings and experiences are valid

Every day we feel a different way whether this is happy, sad, angry, exhausted, scared or worthless. Sometimes these feelings are a result of life experiences but other times these feelings surface for no specific reason. Whichever is true, your feelings and experiences are valid, even if no one believes you.


One slip-up does not mean all of the progress you have made was for nothing

It can feel like the world is crashing down when you have been making progress towards a goal or milestone and you slip up. Although you may have made a mistake, or done something because it felt good, that one step back does not mean all of the progress you made was for nothing. It takes a lot to grow and your progress is representative of the strength and determination you have. It shows that you are able to move forward on the path ahead and in the process, you have learned a lot. You will get back on track and with time, you will see yourself making progress once again.

Some days are going to suck, and that is okay

Not every day is going to be easy. Some days are going to be really hard and you may experience uncomfortable emotions. It is important to remind yourself that these days are normal. If you are experiencing more low days than normal, it is important to reach out for support. 

You deserve to feel loved and respected.

In every relationship and space you are in, you deserve to feel loved, respected and valued. If you are not experiencing these feelings in your everyday life, then you must find spaces in which you are. It is okay to take a step back from relationships that are constantly putting you down and making you feel invalidated. You are an important person who deserves to experience positive feelings and love. 

It is essential to take time to breathe

When things start to become too much, it is important to take a break. Whether this means canceling plans or taking a nap before completing schoolwork, there is no way you can continue to function if you are constantly draining yourself. By taking time to refresh, you can put your best self forward with everything you do. So take that time to breathe, even if it is difficult to take that step back.

Life is not always going to be perfect and that is okay. Each day comes with its new set of challenges, but by reminding yourself how valid your experiences are and the importance of taking care of yourself, you have the power to face whatever life throws at you.

As you remind yourself how important you are, take time to remind those around you as well. Check in with those who you talk to every day as well as those who you have not spoken to in years, you never know who needs to hear a few kind words. A text as simple as “I just wanted to remind you that you matter and make the world a better place” can make all the difference to someone’s day. You hold the power to make the world a brighter place. Use your power and knowledge to tell those around you the words that you wish you heard every day.

Gabrielle (she/her/hers) is a sophomore at American University majoring in elementary education and minoring in Spanish. She has been a writer since Fall 2020 and is the publishing director for our print magazine for Fall 2021. In her free time, she enjoys working with children and supporting diverse learners.