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5 Ways To Be More Mindful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

It’s easy to feel burnt out or stressed, especially with the crazy schedules we have in college.

When it comes to my success, I know I can be extremely hard on myself. If you are like me, you may have a hard time feeling satisfied with your accomplishments or personal growth. Along with that dissatisfaction comes a lot of discouragement. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Stop feeling guilty for chilling out or catching up on your sleep.

This is something I have talked about extensively with my friends. You might know this feeling – the anxiousness that comes over you when you are doing something other than work. Maybe it’s when you are spending time with friends or even enjoying some personal time, and all of a sudden you feel this weight on your shoulders, and your to-do list is all you can think about. If you really think about it, this is unhealthy behavior! We shouldn’t be shaming ourselves for taking some time to just take a breath. When our heads are completely wrapped around our work, it can be hard to fully enjoy these moments.

2. It’s natural for you to stop hanging out with friends you used to be close to.

Maybe in your freshman year it was easier to keep up with your friends from home or from high school, but now in your second or third year you find that it is harder to connect. This is naturally part of growing up; people come and go out of our lives as we evolve and develop. Think about it, you probably aren’t the same person you were in high school, and maybe you have a different standard for friendship. Don’t feel bad that your relationships are changing, you are not losing people, and you never know how relationships will fall in and out of your lives. Embrace the change – it means you’re growing.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others. Seriously, stop it.

Don’t do this to yourself. Comparing yourself to others who seem more successful or more socially comfortable. We all are on our own path, as cliché as it may sound. Let people inspire you, not stress or intimidate you. If you see something out there that you appreciate, decide if it is something you want to go after, or let it come to you.

4. It is absolutely okay to be single.

In college it can seem like people are always getting together and falling in love. Relationships are not always what meets the eye. You are young and you will probably fall in love over and over again. Don’t rush those experiences; you have to let them come to you. This is also a reminder for those of us who are in relationships that might be running their course. Don’t stay with someone just because you are afraid to be single. Taking time with yourself will feel strange and uncomfortable at first, but there is nothing more important than developing a relationship with yourself.

5. Your choices and mistakes do not define you forever.

I think this is something that comes up for a lot of college students. We get this idea in our heads that everything we do now will directly influence our future or our potential for success. While that may be true for some aspects of life, it isn’t always the case. Don’t be afraid to take risks, because later on in life you don’t want to look back and regret the chances you didn’t take. You’re going to fail time and time again, and those lessons will be what influence your future.


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