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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

With just about everyone trying to be an influencer nowadays, it’s getting hard to pick out which ones actually have good content and which ones just want to sell you a fab-fit-fun box. To help with your dilemma, we’ve picked out a couple of ladies who not only have bomb Instagrams but also are from right here in the district!

Elisabeth Hujskens @elizabethhujskens

Elisabeth is a local fashion designer who just came out with her own ethical clothing line called Elegantees. Her line is super cute (perfect for a young professional in D.C.) and also doing good for society! On her Instagram, she shows the different ways you can wear some of the pieces in the collection and provides tips on how to shop responsibly. 

Maggie Rose @iammaggierose

If you are a hardcore country fan you might already know her, but did you know she was from D.C? Maggie Rose is a rising country singer straight from the DMV. Over the past couple of years, she has performed with notable artists like Kelly Clarkson and Dawes. In 2018 she was named one of YouTube’s emerging artists and was on Pandora’s watch list. Go check her out to get updates on her current tour, and maybe snag some tickets while you’re at it!

DeannaRobinson @deannarobinsonfit

Not only is Deanna Robinson a personal trainer, a nutritionist practitioner, a mom, and a fitness queen, she also has a killer Instagram that will inspire you to get out of bed and to the gym! Follow her to check out the updates on her wellness non-profit camp for kids and all of her fitness goals!

Dani Sauter @blonde_inthedistrict 

Dani, as stated in her insta bio, is “breaking the barrier of beauty being defined by size.” And from one scroll through her Instagram, you can see she’s killing it! Dani’s fashion definitely bring a vintage edge to trendy, colorful looks, giving her recognition as a style-setter by The Washingtonian this year! 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @ocasio2018

It’s hard to not include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in an article about women in D.C. Even though she’s technically from New York, we can claim her as our own for as long as she’s here! To any Gen-Z woman interested in politics, it is such a breath of fresh air to see someone in office we can truly relate to ( and someone who is young enough to know how to work social media!) Her followers can always count on her to keep us updated with politics and empower young women to get involved!

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Molly Molloy

American '22

Molly is a freshmen at American University. She loves fashion, exploring new places, and dogs! Molly is and active feminist and an aspiring journalist.