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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

Since I was a teenager, I had so many skin problems. Trust me, I was what you call a geek, with bracers, glasses, big head and so much acne. For many years it was difficult for me to talk about it, to feel pretty, to even talk about it to a doctor. It took some time to start looking for options to deal with my skin problems, to top it all off I ended up developing rosacea and acne scars. So, to say that I had a hard time, many nicknames and low self-esteem it’s a given.  After many months I decided to get new glasses, I got my bracers out and started looking for new options of skin – care. I have to confess that some of the treasures I found out that time are still part of my skin-care routine.

There are many factors that determine the type of skin you will have, biological ones, DNA, stress, skin type, hormones and even the weather. Your daily habits, in fact, have a big impact on what you see in the mirror. The goal of any skin-care routine to find the best mix of products to tune up your complexion so its working at its best. I have to tell you what works for me may not work for you, but what I’m trying to say its that it is possible. Maybe it will work, hey who knows? So, I’m going to share with you the products that have worked for me.

Consider your skin care routine as consisting of three main steps:

  • Cleansing – which consists on basically washing your face
  • Toning – which is made to balance the skin
  • Moisturizing – which consists of hydration and softening the skin  

It is important to understand that the science behind skin- care products take a long way and that there is no instant fix. It is important that you give them at least six weeks in order to work, using it once or twice daily. Also, it is important to apply in order of consistency. When cleansing you face it is recommended to wash it twice a day, morning and night to avoid clogged pores, dullness and acne.  There are many categories of skin types, oily or acne – prone, dry, red and/or eczema – prone, sensitive, mature skin and many others. It is important that you know which one is yours and how it changes with the weather and time.

I’m going to divide my favorite products by category so it is easier for you to look them up and learn about them a bit more. I will be starting with my cleansing products:

The first one is Cetaphil Daily Skin Cleanser. The second one is a scrub from Skin Assistant: Apricot Seed + Retinol Exfoliating Cleanser


For toning I use one product night and day; I use the Dickinson’s Enhanced Witch Hazel Toner, the Pore Perfecting Toner


I also use a serum from Valjean Labs; the Restore one that has niacinamide plus Zing


The last step in my skin care routine is the moisturizer. On this step I change between night and day. During the day I try to use one that has a SPF and for the night I use two different ones. For the day I use the Aveeno, Ultra Calming, Daily Moisturizer. During the night I use the Tatcha Water Cream.

Like I said during my article by no means Im an expert, but im here to let you know some tips and what has worked for me. I invite you to start looking for what works for you. Your skin – care routine will help you to start building up a healthier skin. Remember we are perfect in our own way and this are just some tips that may help you to get where you want to be.

- Clinical Psychology PhD, Carlos Albizu Student - Born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico; currently living in San Juan, Puerto Rico - 26 years of age - I love to travel, love animals and enjoy being with my family & friends
Albizu Her Campus