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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

Today I will be tackling what my travel essentials are! Whether traveling near or far, I always like to be prepared during my travels to ensure they’ll go as smoothly as possible. There are few things I dislike more than getting to an airport and realizing I left my headphones behind — quite the terrifying experience. 

Now let’s get to it!


1.Headphones – Headphones are basically a given, which is why I’m listing them first. I never go anywhere without them! Noise-cancelling headphones would be perfect for long flights, while wireless ones will not work for in-plane movies. Keep that in mind!

2. Reading Material – I’ve always preferred reading and writing to watching movies or listening to music on flights. I usually bring a book, magazines, or a travel journal and a pen for when the inspiration hits. Paperbacks are usually lighter and easier to carry around. E-books and audiobooks are also great options if those are your preferred formats!

3. Healthy Snacks – Or unhealthy ones, or both. The point is, bringing your own packaged snacks will undoubtedly save you money. Beverages will be removed at security checkpoints so leave those behind, as well as some fruit and vegetables depending on where you’re traveling.

4. Carry On Bag – I have come to believe that a quality carry on bag is a great investment; they make traveling a whole lot easier. They come in a variety of styles, shapes, and sizes to fit every taste out there — I prefer backpacks because they balance out weight evenly and are easy on my back.

5. Camera – This one is without a doubt a very personal preference. I rarely travel without some sort of camera, whether it be a DSLR or a polaroid. I usually just stick to one lens when it comes to the DSLR to keep things light.

Until next time!


A twenty something year old psychology grad student with a passion for dancing, writing, and photography. When I'm not busy either selling popsicles part time or being an overprotective mom to my two betta fish, you can find me blissfully OD-ing on coffee.
Albizu Her Campus