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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

There was a post being shared a lot on Facebook recently that talks about when you and someone have more than seven years of friendship, they will be in your life forever and ever – like family. How many of your friends in your life have been around that long?

Some say that friends are the family we choose. Personally, I have a small group of friends and I met most of them during my bachelor’s degree years ago. As time passes and responsibilities grow, between our jobs and our families we no longer talk so much. Even so, that opportunity of knowing a little about each other in some way helped us to shape the human beings that we are today.

Asking the students what qualities or acts separate your friends from acquaintances we find that some of:

  • those friends who know the name of your parents or your grandparents go directly to the top of the list
  • those who write to you or call you when you did not go to class earn a bit of your heart over time
  • those who know the names of your pets are attentive to details

I learned that the most important people for you and the people for whom you are important will be there for you no matter what happens. Those who love us will be there in difficult times to give us a hug and celebrate our victories at important moments. If you’ve never asked yourself why your friends are your friends, do not worry, it’s never too late to start.


Mariely is a Puerto Rican writer who is passionate about personal and professional development. She is currently attending Carlos Albizu University in San Juan PR to get a PhD on Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She loves to read, write, take trainings and everything that helps her grow as a human being and professional.