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Wall Mural Mirror Apartment Magazines
Wall Mural Mirror Apartment Magazines
Anna Thetard / Her Campus

Strangers in the Mirror

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Sometimes I look in the mirror

And I don’t recognize the person staring back at me

Like passing strangers on a street

I stare blankly at my reflection

I ask myself

What will come of this being

What will come of this body

I ask these questions like I am not the person staring back at me

Two eyes

Two feet on the ground

But it feels like eternity since I felt connected to the earth beneath me

Doubt wavers in my mind

Uncertainty hangs in the air 

Dancing with its best friend, despair

I can’t even recognize the person staring back at me

Maybe if I can reach her, I will feel complete again

But if I reach into the void and pull out nothing will I be able to accept that

Am I ready to fail over and and over again

Until I recognize the person staring back at me

And can smile confidently

Knowing that person is me