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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Let us build a wall,

terminate the rush of the fall.

Let us build that wall

with the tears and blood of our southern foe,

that we might be safe.

Let us divulge the faces

of those who fall,

in school hallways

on crimson painted linoleum.

That we uphold the 2nd

allowing a God-given justice

to secure a paintbrush,

in the hands of a constitutional artist.

Put up a white picket fence.

And buy a farmed and bred lab.

Call it Bud

for our favorite beverage.

Be sure to teach our children,

the future,

what it means to be unity.

The cul-de-sac

is the world.

Life is limited

to nice cars,

and rising ranks,

and warm thanksgivings,

to celebrate the biggest massacre.

The pitfall of resistance.

Eat your 30lb

fat injected,

factory modified-for-mass-consumption––death.

Remember to dispose of the wrappings,

and forget your bearing.

Some days later,

they hang ‘round the throat

of a beached seal,

grasping for any notion of a sovereign savior.

Let our borders be secure,

Our blacks be chained,

Our muslims be detained,

Our natives be corralled,

so that we will be safe.

Fly your flag high,

Stand tall for your country,

Draw your fully automatic identities,

Chew your capitalist heart disease,

Mount your foreign fossil fuel farter,

and sing to the melody

of the American Dream.

But let us not forget,

that wall will protect us.

Solve our grievances

and justify the flight of concrete hatred.

We are

One nation

Under God


With liberty

And justice

for all.