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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Finals week must be stressful for any type of college student. It is even harder on a lot of college freshmen in their first semester. I don’t know about anybody else, but I didn’t take finals in my high school courses especially not twice a year. There are plenty of things that can be done to help keep everyone sane during the final week before going home for the holidays.

1. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO STUDY- It’s never a good idea to wait until the last night or two before an exam to study. Give yourself a few days, even a week and get a head start on the study so it doesn’t feel like everything is being crammed into the last minute.

2. DON’T FORGET TO SLEEP- Sleeping is important, you’ll have more chances to sleep during the week since class is over.

3. DON’T FORGET THERE IS TIME TO RELAX- Once again class is finished for the semester! There is plenty of time to study but there is also time to relax and take a break. This time of the year can be very overwhelming and not taking a break can lead to many other problems.

4. TRY TO STUDY FOR 2-3 CLASSES A DAY- Studying for multiple classes in the same day may be annoying but it also might have to be necessary in order to do well on all exams.

5. FIND YOUR PERFECT STUDY ENVIRONMENT- Whether you need to study in your room at your desk or find a quiet spot in the library, everyone has a space that they are most focused in. Find that perfect space and use it to study.

6. EAT HEALTHIER- Healthy body, healthy mind.

7. GET EXERCISE- ^^^^, I know it can be a drag sometimes but there are plenty benefits.

8. BREATHE!!!!- You’ll probably be trying to do so many things at once, don’t forget to breathe.

Some of these things you may not do on the regular and some hard, but they are do able. Happy Finals!

Jada Ryder

Albany '22

Freshman ❤️ Psychology Major