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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

        Toxicity in yourself is a real thing that many people don’t realize or like to admit. Do you ever just sit down and really criticize yourself? It’s never fun or easy to do, but I think everyone needs to engage in doing so. Everyone has New Year’s resolutions to cut toxic people out of their life, but what if you are the toxic person in your life? 

        Everyone has bad qualities—and that’s totally fine. But, it’s still important to recognize the signs of toxicity. If you don’t know the signs of toxicity, I’m here to tell you some of them (through experiences from myself and others):

  1. You’re the negative vibe: Having a negative moment throughout your day is normal; we all get those mental breakdowns and just want nothing to do with anyone or anything. But, if you constantly have a negative outlook on life, you’re a negative vibe. Not only are you affecting yourself with negativity, you’re affecting others as well. Improve this by changing your negative mindset to positive. What you speak into existence will happen!
  2. You blame others for the mishaps in your life: If you are a logical person, you should know that the chances of mishaps in your life NEVER being your fault are slim to none. Learn to take responsibility for your actions.
  3. You take advantage of others: If you constantly hit up others wanting something and don’t return the favor, realize that you are toxic! If you really care about others, you will be there for them as they are for you! Being selfless from time to time doesn’t hurt. Good karma will come your way. 
  4. You always want the spotlight: If others are sharing accomplishments or news of their own, but you constantly change the topic to yourself instead, you are toxic! Learn to let others shine and enjoy their moment. Be more encouraging and congratulatory. 

        These are just some of the signs of recognizing toxicity within yourself. If you realize your situation for what it is, you will be able to evolve yourself. Accepting yourself as a toxic person isn’t easy, but as long as you take the steps to better yourself, the end result will be worth it. 


My name is Brittany Seda and I am a senior at the University at Albany, majoring in Communications with a minor in journalism. I do have my own blog called InthemindofHER, and with my blog I hope to explore, challenge, and embrace the mind of a woman like myself.