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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

I’m sure we’ve all felt a loss of motivation in life. No motivation to keep going, to strive for what we want in life, no motivation to follow our goals. Many underestimate the struggles that college students go through. Not only are we maintaining our school life, but we’re also maintaining a work life, social life, and mental life. It gets hard to keep up with so much. So, how do you do it? How do you keep going when you have no motivation to? Here’s some tips and tricks.

  1. Set a Concrete Plan.

The popular saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” couldn’t be any more true. Taking time to plan things out allows for you to think through the entire process. Doing so sparks ideas in your mind and improves productivity. When you allow yourself to write a concrete plan, you will set your mind to follow it.

  1. Incentivize Your Goals.

As you make your goals for the week, think of ways to reward yourself if you accomplish them. You’ve been eyeing those new pair of sneakers for a while now, and now you have the option to, so long you complete your goal. Take yourself out more, celebrate accomplishments whether big or small. All in all, learn how to be your biggest supporter.

  1. Think Positive Affirmations.

The mind is very powerful. If you speak out loud or in your head what you want to happen, it is more likely that it will get done. Filling your mind with positive thoughts will allow you to stay motivated. Let them be a constant reminder that you can accomplish what you put your mind to. Start your days off by saying “I will get things done today,” and you will.

  1. Surround Yourself with Positive & Motivated People.

Negative people can be the worst toxin you can expose yourself to. When you surround yourself around negativity, you are allowing it to get in the way of succeeding. To a certain extent, you are who you surround yourself with. If you spend more time with motivated and uplifting people, you will learn to take on their habits and feel better about yourself. Having a strong support system is just as important as being your biggest supporter.

  1. Remember to Make Time for Yourself.

Mental health is probably one of the most important things in life. Sometimes, we get so caught up in accomplishing our goals and spending so much time worrying about our success. However, if your mind is not in the right place, there will be no success. Don’t worry, it’s okay to relax and have from time to time.


These are just some of the many ways that can help us stay motivated in life. Staying motivated is within your reach, as long as you take the adequate time necessary. So long you are not forgetting the big picture, everything will be okay.


My name is Brittany Seda and I am a senior at the University at Albany, majoring in Communications with a minor in journalism. I do have my own blog called InthemindofHER, and with my blog I hope to explore, challenge, and embrace the mind of a woman like myself.
My name is Daria and I am currently a junior at SUNY Albany. I am studying biology and hope to, one day, become a nurse practitioner.