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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

You’re in the home stretch of the semester. All that’s left is Dead Week and Finals Week, you can do it. It’s hard trying to find the motivation to study and push through, but here are some tips and reminders to keep you going and finish strong. 

  1. Don’t cram 

Work or study a small amount multiple times throughout the week, so that you aren’t stressing at the last minute studying all night before the exam. Chances are you know a lot more than you think you do, so don’t overstress yourself out. Cramming also doesn’t help you remember what you’re studying, and you end up forgetting most of the information when it’s time to take the test. So, plan in advance and start studying now. 

  1. Take lots of breaks 

While studying is very important, taking breaks is just as important. You need time to reset your mind and calm down. It’s beneficial to relax before you need to keep studying more. Always take time to watch a TV show, shower, or eat a snack for your break. Doing something that is productive around your room will help you feel accomplished and motivate you to continue working. Taking breaks will improve your mental health and help you in the long run. 

  1. Get good sleep 

Getting good sleep is critical to your physical and mental health during finals. It’s hard to get a good amount of sleep when so many deadlines are coming up, but it’s necessary to finish out the week strong. Stick to going to bed at the same time the whole week to stay consistent with your sleep schedule. Also, being well rested helps you to feel better during the day, so that you can get a lot of studying done and retain the information as well.  

  1. Study with friends 

Everyone around you is stressed about finals, and there is no need to deal with it by yourself. Even if you and your friends take different classes, still being near them helps keep everyone accountable. It’s also nice to be able to get a quick little break in to talk to them. Friends can also help you study by holding flashcards up or asking you practice questions. Overall, they will keep you motivated to do your work, because they want you to succeed and need study help themselves. 

  1. Go on walks 

Going on a walk or just exercising in general is a great way to get a break while also getting in some movement. It can help relieve stress and make you feel more relaxed. You can also get some Vitamin D and fresh air, which is good after being cooped up in a library or coffee shop. Sunlight helps boost your mood and can make you more motivated. You can also multitask and get some studying done while you go on a walk. Also, you can invite your friends and get some socializing in as well. 

Finals Week is always so stressful, but once you’ve turned in your last final or project it’s the best and most relieving feeling ever. The biggest motivation to get through Finals Week is knowing that the holiday season is here. Then, you can rest and not worry about school for a whole month. So, push through finals and finish strong. Y’all got this! 

Julia Blackstone is from Dallas, Texas and is a Junior at the University of Alabama. She is studying News Media with a concentration in Sports. In her free time she loves to hangout with friends and watch tv shows and sports events.