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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

One of the most important things that I have learned throughout high school and especially in college, is the importance of establishing a stable morning routine to set the tone for the rest of your day. Below are three steps I have personally incorporated into my routine and highly others incorporate into theirs.

No social media

Although I know this can be extremely hard at first, staying off social media for at least the first 15 minutes of your morning is a good idea to establish the tone for the rest of the day. One good alternative to replace social media during this time is writing in a journal or planning out a to do list for what the rest of your day will look like. This time in the morning allows for reflection and planning, without the stress of social media or texts right when you wake up.


Even though this was something I personally never really stuck to before or necessarily believed in, creating even just a few affirmations to say to yourself in the morning can be extremely beneficial. Choosing phrases such as “I have all I need to make today a great day” or “I am strong and beautiful” are great examples of simple but powerful affirmations you can use daily.

Waking up at a set time

Deciding on a time that works best for you and sticking to wake up and start your morning at that same time every day will allow for the most success and effectiveness to getting work done and your day started. Another great component of this is to allow for your first alarm to be a wake-up call, and a second one around five minutes later to actually get up and start the day.

It is so essential for your mental and physical health to set a morning routine with steps like these in order to ensure you are putting yourself first, and giving yourself the best start to a great day!

Lexi Carson

Alabama '23

Outside of Her Campus I love spending time with my friends, watching movies, and volunteering at DCH hospital!
Alabama Contributor