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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

College Move-In day! The sun energized every soul on campus. The music pumped our hearts. The day was long awaited and the excitement was unbearable. Let me start from the beginning.

Six o’clock in the morning my alarm sounds waking me from comfortable slumber. I sit up eager for the excitement of the day. I shower, then dress in my favorite pair of jeans, a green ASC shirt and my favorite pair of shoes. There I was dressed, ready to load everything into my sister’s car. But wait, my stomach grumbled and I answer its call. I search through the cabinets and fridge for something that would cure my hunger. I settled on a bagel and an orange.

It took me nearly thirty minutes to load the car, and by then my bagel was already chilled. Hunger testing my patience, I retrieved my orange and applied cream cheese to my bagel. I was all set to go. Ready for my first official day of my college experience.

It’s now 8:45 a.m.and we are already running late. My sister joins me in the car and we begin our journey to Agnes. The trip was anything but normal as my excited and nervous energy filled the car. I spent the entirety of this trip deciding on a hairstyle jamming to Level Up by Ciara. Once we arrived on campus we saw dozens of people pushing their stuff in big, green totes. Oh boy! That was about to be me in just a few minutes.

Let’s fast forward a bit!

We are directed to the second level of the parking deck and begin unloading everything into a big, green tote of my own. The walk is short and the excitement increases tenfold when I am handed my key. My sister and I wait in line for the elevator. Once it’s our turn, we load the elevator and exit on the first floor. The room was a few paces from the elevator. After taking those steps, we were in my room. My home for the next 10 months. At this moment I was at ease.

We took everything out of the tote and my sister left me to attend an interview. Since I checked in before my roommate I had first dibs. I chose the bed and closet furthest from the door since I wanted the furthest corner. For about 15 minutes I was alone until my brother and moms brought my mini fridge. During this time my roommate checks in and heads up to the room. We say our ‘heys’ and hug…(I was going for a handshake, but she’s a hugger. So, yeah).

My mom took me to the store so that I could stock up on drinks and snacks. Once she dropped me back on campus I was truly and finally alone. My roommate was outside enjoying the cookout. After getting everything put away, I joined everyone outside. We danced, or rather I watched others dance and simply reciprocated with the basic two-step. Although being down there was very much out of my comfort zone, I enjoyed the excitement everyone wore on their faces.

From this experience alone, I want to share three things that helped make my Move-In Day fun and stress-free:  

  1. Have your clothes folded and/or on hangers before packing.

  2. Check-in before your roommate.

  3. Participate in the welcome events.

Utilizing these tips will help ensure you have a smooth Move-In Day!

Laci is a Sophomore at Agnes Scott College in pursuit of a degree in Creative Writing and Music. She seeks to build upon her inquisitively, beautiful mind, while inspiring people throughout all aspects of life. In her spare time, she loves to speak with God, eat Snicker's and think about the zombie apocalypse. She is a forever learner.