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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.


Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unplash.com


       The day that Brett Kavanaugh went to trial I couldn’t watch. I remember walking into Alston and everyone watching in disgust. I couldn’t look. I did not want to talk about it. I don’t care. Later that day as I was on Facebook I saw post after post about the case. I grew angrier as I saw each post. What hurt the most was family members who I know defended Cosby were now against Kavanaugh? What is the difference? He’s white and pro-Trump. When its a Black man being accused no words. These posts by family members could also be hope that they see the destruction patriarchy does. Only time will tell with this one.

       Throughout all of this, Black Cat week was upon us. I was so excited for Rush the Quad. We sang “ Beer, Beer, Beer” and the Sophomores revealed our new chant, “ We don’t drink at Agnes Scott.” We drew stuff across the quad and as we decorated Alston, my class dropped a ball of yarn all the way to the ground floor. It took us about ten minutes to figure out how to get it up. Even as I saw more and more news on the Kavanaugh case, the Junior’s amazing party day with old Disney music made me so happy. Our class revealing The Incredibles with a piñata was hilarious.

         At bonfire we sang and cheered for our sibling class. The Sophomore class chant,“ We don’t drink at Agnes Scott “ was cheered at every class. We are united in sobriety.  At the end, the Sophomores threw necklaces of beads at the Senior class as a gift. We gave those to remind them that we will always be strung together with them as our sibling class.

    This joy connected to Junior Production the next day. I loved cheering on the stage as our siblings joined in with us. I loved watching the satire of Main and Public Safety. We cheered for each other and laughed and watched the Senior Slideshow.

    Then Saturday came. And Kavanaugh was confirmed. Nothing had changed. People had raised their voice and nothing. Deep down I knew that this would happen. I didn’t know what to feel. That night was the Black Cat Formal. And all that pain was for a little bit washed away. We had so much fun. We took pictures and danced and sang so much. As we were dancing, I noticed who my friends were. Some of them are really different than me. Since this place is 64% minority, I know that they too understand not being heard. But despite our differences we still know all of Miley Cyrus (even the International students). We let go of what the world puts on us. And that’s what I love about my friends; they treat me like  the world has not put up those annoying walls. That is what the dance showed. Here at Agnes most us a century ago were not allowed in this school. That night was a unity that we never need to publized. We were ourselves.

       Also as I looked and saw my friends and classmates I saw hope. We are a generation that loves and accepts people for who they are. We understand that people are human not narrow rules. So how do we take my magical night and make it reality? Right now our government sucks. And I am devastated that they confirmed him. I have no words to say that it will be ok because honestly I do not know if it will. Do I think that his confirmation was meant to be by fate or God? Probably not. I don’t think God cares about politics.

        I can tell you that I have my friends. My diverse friends, who can vote, love and build a better society in the future. I can tell you that there will be someone to hug and a shoulder to cry on. There is hope, even if I have no idea where this hope will lead.

  Black Cat Week is an example of the hope of the past Scotties who were different than me. Right now as I am trying not to cry I know that my friends have my back. Even as the week has ended we are bonded. Just like the past students fought for a diverse campus we will fight for a fair government. Our voices will be loud. I hope just as the Civil Rights voices have echoed in our ears we may echo in the next generation to strive for justice.


Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unplash.com





Kennedy Thedford

Agnes Scott '21

Kennedy is a Sophomore planning on double majoring in Spanish and Religion & Social Justice. She loves reading, writing and BB-8 from Star Wars.