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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

With the holidays around the corner, giving thanks is a way to show others you’ve been thinking of them and appreciate all that they have done for you. Giving thanks can be a simple gesture that can be expressed in numerous ways. Here are some unexpected ways to give thanks.

Sending a gift that reminds you of them– Who doesn’t love unexpected gifts? Sending a gift that makes you think of them is a great way to say thanks.

Inviting them to dinner and making plans with them– This shows you care about them and enjoy their company.

Planning a special day with them without telling them– Being spontaneous can bring someone happiness because it will show that you care about them and thought of them throughout the day.

Sending a card with encouraging words– Although, we live in a technological world; it’s always great to send cards to people we care about to let them know you thought of them.

Thanking people who serve you– We all have bad days, imagine what it’s like to work in a customer service based job? Saying thanks can make someone’s day.

Get in touch with an old friend– Calling is a great way to show you’re thankful that they’re in your life.

Saying thank you can be expressed through many actions. Taking the initiative and doing a small gesture for someone can go a long way. For this holiday season, it’s great to express  it to the people we care about and show them how much we appreciate them. 

I am currently working for Chernoff Diamond, a financial consulting firm. I have a passion for writing and going to the gym. My main mission is to utilize my writing and journalism skills to help advocate for the underprivileged. With determination and hard work, I am motivated to travel around the world and learn about people's stories in hope to become more knowledgeable about the world.