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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

SNL 40 was an event that millions of viewers of all ages tuned in to watch. It was one of the longest running TV programs in the US running for three and a half hours. The show premiered on October 11 of 1975 and has been an important part of modern culture. Making parodies of current events and hilarious sketches that are still referenced today, SNL has had an impact on everyone.

The show kicked off with a bang with the power couple of Jimmy Fallon and Jutin Timberlake. The duo referenced many old SNL favorites such as the Barry Gibb Talk Show and the “d*ck in a box guys”. The show started off in an amazing way paying tribute to old and new characters.

One of the most notable and hilarious reoccuring skits was the Celebrity Jeopardy scene from the 90s. Will Ferrell reprises his role as Alec Trebek who’d get especially annoyed when his contestants fail at all of the catargories. With new and old cast members on the show playing celebrities such as Justin Bieber and Sean Connery, Will had to constantly assist the contestants “That’s Who Reads not Wh*re Ads, Sean.”

Another important staple in SNL culture is, of course, the Weekend Update giving us a new take on current events and some of the most memorable characters to grace the studio 8H stage. With the dream team of Tina Fey, Amy Pohler, and Jane Curtain, it was sure to be a smash hit. Celebrities even made appearances paying tribute to their own favorite Saturday Night Live characters such as Melissa McCarthy as Matt Foley. Even Landshark stopped in to make an appearance.                                                                    

Paying tribute to all of the musical skits such as What Up with Dat and Blizzard Man, there was even a shoet performance by Garth and Kat played by Fred Armiston and Kristen Wiig. Many famous skits such as the Californians and Wayne’s Wolrd were back and with a hat tip to popular SNL culture and some of the backstage secrets. And who could forget Adam Sandler and Andy Samburg, the kings of parody and their song about breaking character. There was a tribute to the stars of SNL who have passed away and some of the superstars over the years in every category. The show was packed with comedy and memories for SNL fans of all ages.                                                                                                                                                                       

Freshman acting major at Adelphi University :)