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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

To this day, I remember how emotional I felt while reading Rupi Kaur’s New York Times Bestseller, milk and honey. As young women in college we experience heartache, whether it be from a relationship to our own self-inflicted pain. Her work reassures us that we are not alone. On days I need her words the most, I often go back to poems that have resonated with me over the years. Kaur has a poem that can apply to just about anyone or any situation imaginable. With her most recent work, the sun and her flowers, Kaur continues to inspire women around the world through her simple, yet empowering words. To celebrate the beauty of feminism, here are a few select poems from both works:


Instead of bringing other women down, imagine a world where women use their power to build each other up.


Do not allow your failures to overshadow your ability to do great things.


Before we are ready to love another person, we must learn to accept and love ourselves. As difficult as this process may be, it is necessary to help us move forward spiritually.



If it wasn’t for the love and the heartaches, would we be living our lives to its fullest potential?


You are your own individual that separates you from the rest.



To find beauty in your flaws is one step closer to acceptance.   


These select poems are only the tip of the iceberg as to what Kaur has to offer. From milk and honey to the sun and her flowers, Kaur’s journey as a young woman flourishes on these pages. So take her words and let those words empower and inspire you. You can check out her website and purchase her two works, milk and honey & the sun and her flowers, here!

Hi! My name is Kerri Hayman and I am an undergraduate student at Adelphi University. My passion for writing lies within the lines of my poetry. I truly believe that when spoken word fails, written word speaks. Writing has allowed me to open a creative door for others to venture through and to relate on a personal level. Through struggles and triumphs, writing has become an artistic outlet for me to express my creative self!