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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Remember when you were a little kid and you couldn’t wait to grow up?

Your first thought about being a teenager would be that you’d have a part-time job, a car and whole bunch of friends to go to the mall with every weekend.

Then you grow up, remember when you thought 21 was old?!

And then you graduate from college, get married, buy a house, blah blah blah….

Seems easy right?!

Well now, we’re all technically adults and for the most part we want to be treated like one, but some days are harder than others.

So, here’s why I can’t be an adult today:

1.  I’m still in my PJs.

2.  I’d rather nap.

3. Accompanied by still being in my pajamas is I’m watching multiple series on Netflix.


4.  Seeing how long I can survive on Dominos alone. (Insert your own fast food establishment.)


5.  Life is easier not being an adult. (I miss the 90’s tv shows, Lunchables, butterfly hair clips and my mom doing my hair!)  



I don’t want to be a full grown adult yet. I’m still in college, I’m still learning and I’m going to make some mistakes.

No not today. End. Of. Story.


Hello! My name is Melanie! I studied Business Management here at Adelphi. Dancing is my passion and my life and I've been dancing since I was four years old. I still dance to this day in NYC. I was employed on campus as part of the Social Media Team. Also, on campus was involved in Adelphi's Symphony Orchestra where I played violin and wrote for HerCampus. Other fun facts about myself is I love animals and the outdoors, my favorite color is pink and I wish that I was a mermaid. ❤