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An Open Letter to My Mom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized just how important it is to spend time with your family. Life moves quickly and in the blink of an eye years have gone by and you’re an adult with real responsibilities. You’re juggling college, work and a social life so sometimes it’s easy to forget the person who helped get you there, your mom.


Dear Mom,

I can’t quite fit everything I want to say to you in this one letter but I’ll try anyway. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I know raising me wasn’t easy and you probably wanted to kill me 99% of the time.

I would not be the person I am today if it wasn’t for you. You always pushed me to do the best of my ability. You taught me to dream big and to never give up. You’ve always been my #1 cheerleader.

I want to apologize for all of the times that we fought and that I underappreciated all that you do for me. I’m sorry for thinking that I was always right and making things that much more difficult for you. I regret every time that I disappointed you. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and forget what’s really important and what really matters at the end of the day. I may not always show it but I really appreciate everything that you’ve done for me.

Thank you for all the hugs and kisses you’ve given me through the years and for the ones you continue to give. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and thank you for all the laughs we’ve shared during our Hallmark movie marathons. Thank you for letting me climb in your bed when I can’t sleep at night. Thank you for taking care of me whenever I got sick. Thank you for always loving me and supporting me. Thank you for showing me how to be the best version of myself. I could write a novel about everything I want to thank you for and it still wouldn’t be enough.

I love how our car rides always turn into karaoke sessions. I love how you never take a serious picture because you hate being photographed. I love how passionate you get about things you care about. I love how determined you are. I love you.

You treat everyone you meet with love and kindness. You’ve given me some very big shoes to follow. I hope that I can make you proud. I hope that someday I can be at least half the amazing, caring and loving person you are. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

I love you to pieces mommy. Thank you for being everything.


Your Daughter <3 

Hey party people!!!I'm Samantha, but my friends call me Sam because there are a million and one Samanthas out there. I am a sophmore studying English with a concentration in Creative Writing and Early Childhood Education at Adelphi Unversity. When you first meet me I am really shy but when I am with my friends I like to think that I am the life of the party. Usually you can find me reading, talking about TGIT, mindlessly scrolling my phone, tumbling (on Tumblr of course!), or pinning on Pinterest. My dream is to travel the world and make memories that will last me a lifetime. I'm always up for a new adventure!  My tumblr says more about me than I ever will : www.stonecold-novelist.tumblr.com Fun fact about me: I never really know what to say for these bio things and I always feel so awkward making them. *insert cute monkey hiding face emoji*