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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Every girl likes to be pampered, even if it’s something as simple as getting her nails done. Our nails are one of the easiest ways to show off our personalities. But let’s face it collegiettes: we’re in college! Between classes and assignments making time to get to a salon and finding cash to pay may be a little difficult. While our minds may be screaming treat yourself our bank accounts are screaming DON’T TREAT YOURSELF! 

Here are a few ideas you can try to still have perfecty manicured nails without a trip to the salon. 

1. A coat or two of a plain color. Whether it’s black, white, grey, or a color that fits the season there is nothing wrong with just a plain coat of nail polish. The right color will work wonders for you. 


2. If you like a little sparkle, glitter polish can add some sparkle to your look and make your nails pop! You can paint either just one accent nail with glitter or try a glitter ombre on the entire hand. 

3. The classic french tip will never go out of style but if you want you can put a twist on this classic with a pop of color. 


4.We may not be able to do the same fancy tricks that the professionals do but we can still add a few simple designs. Pinterest has a lot of how tos and DIY tips to help! 


5. Sponge nails. You can take a small piece of a sponge then dip it in different colors to get a really cute effect. 



6. Sharpie Magic. We all have a Sharpie or two laying around our room, so grab one and get to decorating.

Next time you feel like dressing up your nails but you’re a little short on cash, grab a few friends and try out these designs.  Just remember to be creative and have fun with it. Happy painting! :) 

Hey party people!!!I'm Samantha, but my friends call me Sam because there are a million and one Samanthas out there. I am a sophmore studying English with a concentration in Creative Writing and Early Childhood Education at Adelphi Unversity. When you first meet me I am really shy but when I am with my friends I like to think that I am the life of the party. Usually you can find me reading, talking about TGIT, mindlessly scrolling my phone, tumbling (on Tumblr of course!), or pinning on Pinterest. My dream is to travel the world and make memories that will last me a lifetime. I'm always up for a new adventure!  My tumblr says more about me than I ever will : www.stonecold-novelist.tumblr.com Fun fact about me: I never really know what to say for these bio things and I always feel so awkward making them. *insert cute monkey hiding face emoji*