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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

You may have caught him on stage, or perhaps you’ve seen him participating in antics on the quad. Wherever you find our Campus Cutie, he’s sure to give you a great smile and have you laughing moments after meeting him! Meet our Cutie of the week, Aidan Down! 

Name: Aidan Down

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Cambridge, MA

Major: Acting

Favorite Album: The Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd), or Dream Police (Cheap Trick)

Favorite Movie: Raging Bull or The King of Comedy

Favorite TV Show: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Favorite Quote: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”—President Roosevelt Franklin

Advice that’s stuck with you through the years: My mom instilled this in me: Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of by other people.

Aspirations and goals: To be as happy as I possibly can doing what I love.

Describe yourself in three words: Creative, Accepting, Contemplative

Fun Fact: I have an irrational fear of spiders

Pet Peeve: When dudes are violent for violence’s sake. 

Hidden Talent: Why does a person need a talent? Why can’t they just be? My talent is that I don’t have a talent.

There you have it, girls! Our Cutie of the week. If you catch him out and about, don’t be afraid to say hi!—he’s super friendly!

Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Natalie is a sophomore at Adelphi University where she studies Acting and English passionately. In between her studies, she enjoys jam-packing her schedule through writing for contentBase.co, holding a chair position on the Student Activities Board and shining on the stage in school productions. She loves cats, coffee, fashion and music almost as much as she does writing. Her goal as a journalist is to inspire as many ambitious, young people, like herself, to make the most of their lives as possible.