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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Graduating Senior Abigail Paullion is the 2014 Student Leader of the Year. She is an anthropology and sociology double major as well as the President of Swing Phi Swing and Event Coordinator for Mosaic. These are only a sampling of Abby’s many accomplishments and her intense interest in promoting diversity and social justice awareness on Adelphi’s campus. It is for all of these reasons that she is this week’s campus celebrity!

HC: What are some of the most important events you’ve coordinated?

Abbby: Vagina Monologues is really important to me because it brings attention to women’s issues specifically, and we always execute it so well. The Slam Poetry Jam at the beginning of the year helps us reach out to a different audience. I also really like the pow-wow, Two Spirits presentation, and National Coming Out Day.

HC: What is your proudest moment while at Adelphi?

Abby: Winning social justice advocate of the year. That award resembles most who I want to be in the world. Also joining Swing Phi Swing which also deals with a lot of social change.

HC: What aspects of your work do you hope Adelphi will continue?

Abby: Everything I’ve done to promote social justice, especially those events. I hope that interest doesn’t dwindle but instead continues to grow. I think it’s going in that direction.

HC: What are your plans for after graduation?

Abby: I’m going to be working as a community organizer for a non-profit then applying to graduate school for an MPH PHD in sociology.

HC: Favorite quote?

Abby: “I wondered why someone didn’t do something, and then I realized I was somebody.”  -Lily Tomlin

HC: Any parting words?

Abby: I’m kind of surprised you asked me to do this interview; the spotlight isn’t something I’m used to. I’m a leader, but I’m not any more hardworking than the other leaders on campus. A lot of people are really similar, and I don’t want them to be left out of the conversation. I want to make sure other people are recognized on campus for their hard work.

My name is Erika Panzarino and I am an English major at Adelphi University.
Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Natalie is a sophomore at Adelphi University where she studies Acting and English passionately. In between her studies, she enjoys jam-packing her schedule through writing for contentBase.co, holding a chair position on the Student Activities Board and shining on the stage in school productions. She loves cats, coffee, fashion and music almost as much as she does writing. Her goal as a journalist is to inspire as many ambitious, young people, like herself, to make the most of their lives as possible.