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Travel Advice That Your Mum DIDN’T Give You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Travelling Advice That Your Mum DIDN’T Give You


As much as we appreciate our mum’s advice- and we all do! There are a couple things that she somehow skipped over in the “don’t forget the passport” spiel. So here are some friendly hints and tips of what to do and what not to do when travelling:


DO NOT- have sex on the beach

Look, I get it. It seems romantic, the films show it and even I’m partial to some 1997 music, but all is not what it seems! You’re going to have to roll back to your hostel covered in sand, literally in every single bodily crevice possible but on top of that, you’re probably going to get robbed. On the only two separate occasions my friends have partaken in beach sex, one got her entire bag stolen (passport too) and the other caught someone in the act. Doesn’t seem as sexy now. Especially, when you make your sandy way to the police station and embassy with no way of getting home. I would recommend staying on dry land.


DO- eat the hostel breakfast

It’ll probably be somewhere between 2€ to 3€, and you’ll probably be able to eat as much as you like. I’ve yet to have had a bad one. Making the most of your hostel breakfast is key because it means your spending money can be put to seeing more amazing stuff, rather than toast and eggs. I would highly recommend it.


DO NOT- get drunk before a day of travel

Show me one person who is eight hours into a hungover train ride and still smiling? You can’t! You’ll feel gross, you’ll look gross and if you’re anything like the rest of us, you’ll smell gross. Don’t ever do it. Plan your travelling days around going out because otherwise you’ll be three inches deep in vomit and crying for your mum. Not a cute look.


DO- go to the local clubs

Unbelievably huge 7-floored European dance clubs are amazing, don’t get me wrong. But finding yourself in a tiny little backstreet club, filled to the brim with locals and travellers is something everyone has to experience. Drinks will be cheaper, music will be louder and the chats will be hilarious. Go wild!


And finally,


DO- take as many pictures as possible

You’re the youngest you’ll ever be and you’re probably doing things with people that you’ll never see and never hear from again- capture it! Not only does travelling make for a class Instagram feed but it genuinely gives you life experience and independence that you can’t find in any other way. So, in saying all of this, I wish you good luck & happy travels!

All photos Tamarra’s own