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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

The move to online learning has been difficult for so many people, myself included. The reduced face-to-face contact with lecturers, the lack of a solid routine and the daunting thought of studying from home can make it difficult to stay on track. That is why I have created a list of study items that have been my saviours in these first few weeks of online learning! 

Laptop Stand

I’ve been using my laptop stand for 3 weeks now and I have never loved a purchase more! The specific laptop stand I bought can be adjusted in its height, but also in the tilt giving you complete control of where your laptop sits. It allows me to stop needing to bend my neck down all the time to work which has drastically impacted the number of headaches I’ve been getting. 

Wireless Keyoboard and Mouse

To go with my new laptop stand I bought a wireless keyboard and mouse which has been amazing to use. Having these has allowed me to position my laptop at the best angle and not end up with my arms at a weird and uncomfortable height.  

Academic Planner

I have too many planners that I don’t use but this year I bought an academic planner from ‘Ink Outside the Box’ which has been monumental in keeping me organised. I’ve found the lack of a solid routine very difficult but being able to physically organise my day has kept me on track so much! 

Wall Calendar

I bought a wall calendar one day just because it was kind of cute but it has honestly saved my life. I can now see at a glance when all my various deadlines and events are and, for a 4th year with a dissertation to write, this has helped stop me from accidentally leaving assignments to the last minute. 

Cute Pens

Cute pens improve motivation. It’s just a fact. Personally, if I know I have a fun or fluffy pen waiting for me to use, I’m genuinely more likely to go and actually do some work. I don’t understand why, but I won’t question it. 

Good Earphones

Whether you’re going to the library or studying from your flat, it’s likely that at least 50% of your studying will be done when there’s just a little too much noise around you. A good pair of earphones don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, but can definitely save you in the long run from getting too distracted or irritated that your flatmate is blaring Harry Styles in her bedroom again (he’s a king but he is a distraction). 

Masters student at the University of Aberdeen!