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A Single Malt Gal: Lesley Henderson!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Lesley is a whisky-loving gal and, having launched her first business at the age of 23(!), is an inspiration to females. The Rare Malt Whisky Company launched in May 2015, starting as an online boutique selling rare single maltsHowever, Lesley soon realised that there was a big market for Whisky Events and now often hosts tastings too. Let’s find out a little more…  


HC: What are your main goals for the business?  

LH: To travel and hosting tastings across the world and to develop a brand for The Rare Malt Whisky Company. 


HC: Whisky is traditionally seen as a mans drink; what is it like working in a male dominated environment? 

LH: It can sometimes be amusing. For example at a tasting last week a gentleman told me that he thought I would be an old man who has drunk whisky all his life, and it was refreshing and surprising to see a young woman so passionate about whisky. So, it is quite fun having that surprise element. It can also be a challenge though as because I am young, some people may believe that I don’t have as much knowledge- but it definitely can be fun to prove people wrong! 





HC: What advice would you give to young females thinking of launching their own business? 

LH: You need to be confident in terms of any gambles you are taking, and research is important to know that there is a definite market for what you’re wanting to launch.  

There is also a need to have experience in the field that you are going into. I worked 5 years as a tour guide at Glengoyne Distillery, so had a background knowledge of the industry. But generally, you have to be vigorous, tenacious, determined and don’t give up when something doesn’t go well; you have to roll with the punches. Stay driven and don’t give up!  


HC: If you are presenting to a large group of people, how do you combat your nerves? 

LH: I am comfortable speaking in front of people due to my years at Glengoyne, but I do still get nervous. It helps for me to feel confident and part of that is being dressed to kill, being professional and always smiling.  



HC: What’s your favourite thing about having me as a member of staff? (I happen to work part time for Lesley!) 

LH: Well it is always fun to work with family/friends and makes it seem less like work. Not that I really find it to be work anyway! 


HC: And finally, some quick fires: 


Disney Princess: Mulan – she’s inspirational!  

Favourite Food: Pizza. 

Favourite Drink: Pink Champagne. 

Favourite Gym Class: Body Combat or Spin. 


Thanks to Lesley for talking to us! If you want to find out more about The Rare Malt Whisky Company, check out their Facebook page here.


Hi, I'm Rachel! I am currently pursuing a degree in English and Politics at UofA, graduating in 2016. I love all things pink, sparkly and pug related. Proud to be President and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Aberdeen.