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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.


  1. Tunnel songs by Stephbohrer 

This playlist is perfect for drives in the car with your friends. Like the title says, the music feels like when you drive through a tunnel with the windows down.  

  1. Taylor Swift bridges that are god-tier by marybeth.kemp 

It’s fairly self-explanatory and who isn’t obsessed with the queen? 

  1. A woman written by a woman by alysonirenes 

This playlist feels like a day at the beach with your friends. Wind in your hair, music playing, snacks and laughter galore.  

  1. Bucket hats n dark fruits by djrossi 

This playlist is perfect if you’re into indie music or just need the vibe of a main stream festival.  

  1. Is this what happiness feels like by Virginie Vachon 

A mix of indie and pop – and some old time 1D – the playlist is just a vibe.  

  1. Throwbacks you forgot you loved by Alison Sisk 

Like the title says, it’s a bunch of throwbacks that would throw any 90’s or 00’s baby down nostalgia lane.  

  1. Good jams by Caitlin Canning 

This playlist is the most random mix of small-time bops, chart toppers and old school nostalgia and it is honestly the best.  

  1. Cheese floor parkers by Rebecca.gough 

A playlist full of songs you can sing at the top of your lungs? Yes please.  

  1. Screaming at the top of my lungs by Av 

A 14-hour playlist stacked full of songs you’re almost guaranteed to know every word to. Bonus: a lot of 1D and Avril Lavigne J 

  1. Good vibes, good feels by laura reyes 

Very wholesome, happy vibes. A good playlist for when you just want to feel good! 

Masters student at the University of Aberdeen!