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Meet the Committee: Lucy Campbell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Meet the Committee: Lucy Campbell

Age: 22

Studying: Legal Studies and Politics

Committee Position: Editor


I had the chance to ask our glorious new Editor of the year 2016/2017 a little about herself, and here are the results!

HC: You were interviewed by the fabulous Freya not too long ago, and she asked pretty well about your uni life so this time we’ll try and ask some questions which aren’t so related to uni work! But first we can still start off with one: How are you feeling about going into your fourth year?

LC: Well I think it’s fair to say I’m slightly nervous! The thought of writing a 10,000 word dissertation has been looming over my head all summer, but I’m excited to be back in Aberdeen for one last year and to spend time with the great friends I’ve made since my university career began in 2013!


HC: We can only imagine the dissertation stress, but at least you’ve had a good summer to be able to chill! You worked at an American summer camp over the past summer. How was it?

LC: This year was my second summer working at the wonderful YMCA Camp Letts in Maryland, and I had a blast both times! People tend to say that things aren’t as good the second time round, and I can agree to a certain extent, purely because everything was completely new to me last summer so it was amazing getting to experience a brand new adventure last summer. However, in a lot of ways camp was just as exciting and just as much of a learning curve this year as it was last year!


HC: Where did you get the idea of applying to work there, and would you recommend it to anyone else who’s considering going?

LC: Since leaving high school I had heard of a lot of people who had gone to work at summer camps in the USA, and talking to those people about all the cool things they got up to during their summer made me decide that it was definitely something I would enjoy doing too. I would thoroughly recommend working at an American Summer Camp to anyone who likes to experience new things, who likes working with kids, and who likes being a big kid!


HC: So we’ll definitely have to give it a thought! What is the one thing you missed most about Aberdeen while being gone? (friends excluded this time as that’s a given!)LC: The one thing I missed about Aberdeen… Tesco Meal Deals. I don’t know how I managed without them for 3 whole months!!!

HC: Safe to think every student lives on the meal deals at least half the time! Do you still have something on your bucket list that you wish to accomplish before you graduate?

LC: I have been paying for a gym membership at ASV every year since 1st year, and this year is my final chance to actually make use of that membership and turn up to the gym more regularly than once a month!


HC: Oh, that’s a common problem for us all! What would be your top tip to the new freshers starting this term?

LC: You don’t have to be drunk to have a good time… But it certainly does help!


HC: Then the last follow up question, is Simon Neil still your number one celeb crush or have you set your eyes on someone new?

LC: Simon Neil will always and forever be my number 1 (wedding details to follow shortly).


We’ll be expecting wedding invites in the post soon! Thank you taking the time to talk to us and hope fourth year treats you well, even with the dissertation!