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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

How To Find Friends At Uni

Don’t Panic! You are Going to Find Your People


Here’s how not to panic if you haven’t found your best friends at university yet.


A couple of weeks ago, I moved to university after a well needed gap year. It’s been a great year and I was ready for the next chapter of my life; to get my degree, live independently, and make my lifelong friends as the cliché goes. I don’t think we talk enough about the stress that surrounds moving out and the pressure to make friends – and fast.


Over two weeks I’ve watched as my flatmates have found their people and it’s so nice to see them settling in, however it did make me feel insecure as to why I hadn’t found my people yet. I’d done all the right things: talked to people sitting next to me in class, joined societies, and although I’d made acquaintances it felt as if everyone else seemed to be better friends with each other than I was.


If any of that resonates with you then what I’m about to say is for you: don’t panic. It’s been less than six months, you’ve just arrived! There’s seven and a half billion people in this world, so it’s not surprising that you’ve not found your true friends in less than a month of being in a new city, and you’ve probably only seen the shops, the clubs, the campus, and your halls so far. It may feel as if everyone around you has settled in but take solace in the fact that everyone settles in differently and your flatmates who seem to have it all together probably feel the same.


You’ve got four years to find your people – you’ve got this.


photo: google images