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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Freya Gowans

Degree: Politics and International Relations (undergraduate), MSc in Gender, Sex and Violence: Critical Approaches

Graduated: June 2018


Hey Freya! Thanks for finding the time to chat to HC again. Before we get started just give us a wee recap of how long you were a part of HC and what your committee role was?

I was a part of Her Campus for 3 amazing years, in my final year I took on the role of social sec and I’m so happy I did as it was one of the highlights of my whole uni experience.

OH Social sec! SNAP!!


Now that you’re a graduate tell us what you’re up to now?

After I finished my Masters degree in August I started a temp job in an office to save some money because this year I moved over to Australia!

Australia? That sounds exciting!

It is! I’m travelling just now with hopes of working for a bit as well but I’m already in love with the country.


So with the big move this new year do you have any other goals to reach? Career or otherwise?

2018 was the best year of my life so my goal for 2019 is just to continue on!


Tell us all about your love life? Anyone special sliding into your DMs?


My love life? Right now it’s mainly consisting of me and my friends just pointing out all the hot Aussies (of which there are many)

Sounds like I need to take a little trip over there see if I can catch me an Aussie


Are you still in touch with your generation of HC?

Yes!! In my final year, HC blessed me with an amazing group of girlfriends, we try and see each other as often as we can and talk almost every day! I would have struggled without them at uni and I need them even more in post-grad life.

You’ve been there and got the t-shirt, what advice would give struggling 4th years like myself?

For my final year of uni I just decided to say yes to (pretty much) everything and worry about the rest later. I’m so glad I did and had some of the best experiences of my life. The stress of finding a job or knowing what to do next can sometimes be over-bearing so just know that everything will work itself out in the end, cherish and enjoy your last few months as a student!


What’s your favourite HC article you’ve read since you left us?

Eszter’s article about surviving Aberdeen winter was definitely a good one, the Granite city in snow is all kind of sad and horrible


Okay I have some Quick- fire questions for you just before I let you go

Uni or graduate life?

That’s such a hard one!! I loved uni and felt that I thrived a lot there but so far being a graduate has been pretty great

Sleep in or gym?

Sleep in (then gym)

Home or away?


Sun or snow?



We are all so jealous of Freya’s Australian Adventure (looking forward to seeing all the amazing insta posts!) Lots of love from the little pink ship xoxo

Shannon is a fourth year history student studying at the University of Aberdeen. When she isnt in class or working as a waitress, you can find her walking the dogs around the country, trying out new dinner recipes or scrolling endlessly through ASOS. Find her on Instagram: Shannyd100